I live in Galway, Ireland with my wife and our two sons, and a feline, Pippy.
I retired in August 2007 having served as a lecturer, since May 1975, in the Department of Hotel & Catering Management, School of Hotel & Catering Studies at Atlantic Technological University, formerly the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, and originally as the Regional Technical College Galway.
My leisure time is divided between several pastimes and pursuits. From 2007 - 2019 I spent much of my time on "Arthur", my Broom Ocean 37cruiser. Whilst she is primarily used on the Inland Waterways of Ireland, mostly the Shannon Navigation, I particularly enjoy our annual summer coastal cruise when "Arthur" explores the south-west coastof Ireland. In 2018 we completed a circumnavigation of Ireland.
I am a great believer in the idea that memories fade over time and as a consequence I regularly use my cameras to record 'moments in time'. My PhotoGalleries can be found here.
Bridge is another of my favourite pastimes (I have been playing since 1960!) and I play regularly at the Tribes Bridge Club which meets on Thursdays in the Galway Bridge Centre on St. Mary's Road.
And I have been a long-time fan of film-music and an avid collector of soundtracks of background scores for over 60 years. I became hooked on film music in the 1970s and overtime I amassed a collection of circa 800 LPs and 5,000 CDs. Sadly, as a result of being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in July 2023, I have decided to sell my CD collection which will go under the hammer on Tuesday, 11th February at FSMCDS.com.